Be Still My Bleeding Heart…

I have a “bleeding heart”. It seems to run in my family. I am constantly calling my mom a “bleeding heart” because it doesn’t take her more than two minutes talking to a stranger for her to discover that the person is struggling somehow.  Immediately, she begins offering emotional support. She becomes overly sympathetic, and it used to drive me crazy growing up. I didn’t get it – Why did she care so much? It had nothing to do with her or her life. Couldn’t she just put it aside so we could continue on with what we were doing?

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Appreciation Post: Lewandowski’s Goal Against Andorra

New category: Appreciation Post

There are so many things I can appreciate about the beautiful game. It’s not always the goals… It can be the build-up to the goal, the scything pass, the fancy footwork, the slide tackle, the unbelievable save… I could go on and on. I’d like to use this category to highlight some of the beautiful football that takes my breath away. Of course, this is often contingent on finding the videos and gifs that show them. At least, until I learn how to make them myself. Luckily, this week’s appreciation post is already publicly available! And I don’t know why my posts have been so Dortmund and Lewy heavy lately. I apologize if you care little about either. But it is what it is I guess… A new “appreciation”. 🙂

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I Think I’m Falling For You Borussia Dortmund

Those of you that have read my blog in the past know that my football watching primarily revolves around the two Spanish giants, Real Madrid and Barcelona. But if you’ve read my post prior to this one you’ll know that I decided to watch more Bundesliga matches this season. I had seen a few Dortmund games at the end of last season and knew that I liked their football. They were fast, attacking, tenacious, and exciting. As I’ve heard many others put it quite simply… “They are fun to watch.”  But now, after a full season of watching, I realize that I don’t just “like” to watch their football but rather I’ve fallen in LOVE with this team. Why? Here’s what I’ve been able to put into words…

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“A Special Little Footballer”: Robert Lewandowski

If you happen to follow me on twitter than it’s no surprise that this guy is one of my favorite footballers. Robert Lewandowski is a Polish international that plays in the Bundesliga for Borussia Dortmund. Admittedly, I did not watch a single Borussia Dortmund game before April of last year. We get golTv here, and there are Bundesliga matches shown every weekend. However, we really only watched La Liga games because that was all we made time for. But sometime last April I caught a Dortmund game and couldn’t believe how much fun it was to watch. Continue reading